
Why is Construction technology important?


Sauliha Sarwar

The conventional method of construction was a long process that usually took more than twice the resources, money, and time to cater to the project. One needs to think a lot before making a commitment to completing a construction development in a limited amount of time. But now, with technological advancement, the construction industry has made a huge leap forward. Now we can do what was not possible in the construction industry two to three decades ago. Teams working on the construction site can be managed properly, and the decisions can be made in a centralized way via automation. They can focus on improving site execution, proper resource allocation, and much more with the technology placed on the project site. A project manager can track all of the construction activities, from managing preconstruction to field reporting, digitally, monitor and collect the data, and spread it through automated tools for days, weeks, and even months. After collating all such data, which will help him keep track of the projectile of the site, he will be able to present its findings and results to the management.
Another field of study that technology enhances the most is the field of workforce management. The workforce is the root of any construction project, and making sure each construction worker is placed at the right place at the right time can be a tedious task when the workforce is in large numbers. Making time schedules and doing proper work allocation is necessary, but technology can do more than that. We can take the simple example of having construction cameras on the site. You can track the precise location of your vital equipment, worker allocation bandwidth, and many other things necessary for your construction site with the help of Quantam Iris’s high-resolution 4K cameras.

Construction Timelapse

With the help of Quantam’s highly advanced time-lapse technology, we can create stunning time-lapse videos that capture the details of each area of your construction site and use them to narrate a narrative. The project manager will be able to deduce any lapses in the construction site and can see them whenever he wants and quickly gather data from those sources, capturing days and days of your project. With the aid of these fantastic time-lapse construction cameras, everything from selecting the location to bringing in machinery to the workers' jubilation after finishing a difficult task is transformed into a lovely memory.

The new technology overcomes the traditional methods of doing a task. This is applicable in the field of construction projects too. Technology improvements in construction have led to methods of doing things being more straightforward and effective, making construction simpler to plan and perform. Better-performing time-lapse cameras can overcome the traditional methods of supervising and monitoring the construction site and the workers employed for it. It enhances productivity for the project manager as he /she can do his/her job sitting in the workstation, employing time-lapse cameras in critical areas, monitoring them, and suggesting suitable changes for enhanced production.

Quantam Iris has made a superior advancement in the world of technology with its optimized construction cameras. Modern digital technology has saved a lot of time in the construction industry. You can track almost anything using mobile apps and computer software, which saves a lot of time recording data and communicating progress. Real-time data transmission between job sites and project managers keeps things organized and easily accessible to everyone on the job. Because the vast majority of these programs are cloud-based, communication is greatly improved.

Have you ever seen the beautiful time-lapses of sunsets and other picturesque views? With the help of Quantam’s technology, you can do it too for the construction site.Time-lapse filming can be a dynamic presentation for potential purchasers in a neighborhood or commercial real estate region with a little video production. Video can also be utilized to showcase a community's weekly development to prospective purchasers and pique their interest. It has been said that the “eye in the sky doesn’t lie.” Surveillance cameras can capture issues on the job site and the video can be claimed as proof if there is a requirement for dispute resolution between two parties or workers or anyone else.

You can easily spot an anomaly in the construction site with the help of a good-quality construction time-lapse camera. A project manager can save his/her valuable human and capital resources as well as his/her working capital needs if he installs these cameras in the right places. Quantum Iris has helped its customers with the aforementioned valuables and helped them channel the right resources at the right time. It might result in helping to prevent losses or recurring expenses on initiatives where the return is negative.

How can I monitor my construction site remotely?

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